Pancake day
13th February 2018
It’s pancake day Wahoo One of my favourite days of the year! I wanted to extend a special offer to you My members and I are having a little competition to see who can make the best pancakes I’ve offered them the prize of a deep tissue massage for the best pancakes We are judging […]

How to get REAL buzzed
5th January 2018
I took my nephew indoor sky diving yesterday What a thrill! (I wish I’d booked it for myself too!) I think I have serious Super Auntie points in the bag He got such a buzz from it (Almost the same high as giving him full sugar coke!) It got me thinking We DO have total […]

Keep calm and have a cantaloupe
6th December 2017
Autocorrect error Have you ever been burned by this before? The dreaded autocorrect mistakes That can turn the most innocent of messages…. Into something that you would rather forget! I had a funny one this weekend I have been using a new programme to write these emails And it has different autocorrect functions compared to […]

It’s a big myth
21st September 2017
You are not always going to feel amazing It’s a bit of a myth that when you are healthy and happy in your lifestyle That you should always bounce out of bed with bundles of energy That you should always feel elated and fantastic That you should always have motivation to make the best choice […]

I get things wrong ALL OF THE TIME
20th September 2017
It’s not as scary as you think Change is intimidating Right? I know myself and I hate change (you’re not the only one!) Stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something different It takes a really brave person to do that! The biggest barrier in changing your life Changing your reality Changing yourself (if […]

A literal sh*t storm
18th September 2017
When I was in Spain last week The farmers were spraying their fields with fertiliser On its own, a necessary and innocent action But when you couple that with the storms that Spain was having last week on the north coat The fields leeched into the rivers And the rivers into the sea So I […]

Guilty pleasure central!
8th July 2017
Do you have a cheeky guilty pleasure? I don’t know about you But I’ve found myself getting drawn into the drama of ‘love island’ I mean I don’t go out of my way to watch it But when it’s on….. Try as I might, I get suckered into the bizarre dynamics of the love island […]

Hold on to your hats
27th April 2017
Hold on to you hats I have something big in the pipeline for you I don’t want to give too much away And I do so love to tease! Keep your eye on your inbox for the next couple of days And I will reveal all! In the mean time, let’s have a chat about […]

How badly do you want to survive?
3rd March 2015
Survival in the wild is not all that different to surviving in life I watched that Bear Grylls programme the other day where he is teaching celebrities how to survive in the wild Some of them are pretty useless But I know I would be almost equally as bad I hate creepy crawlies I run […]

What do you use when you reach breaking point?
16th January 2015
Are you there, are you at your breaking point? If you’re reading this blog post, its likely that you have reached breaking point, or one of your clients, friends, family has and you want to know what to do! We all get there right? Things add up on us, and we inflate with anger, stress […]