
I fear things that I don’t understand

21st June 2024

I will avoid turning this into a gushing love story for my puppy Although, I do adore the little ball of fluff Before I had a dog, I was afraid of them I had been bitten by them and chased by them in the past but it was more than that I didn’t know how […]


Overwhelm is the killer of motivation

9th June 2024

We’ve just started weaning our baby and I’ve found the process of it all quite overwhelming! There are a lot of new things to do Planning what to make Buying the food Prepping the food Wrestling Zoe into her full body apron Heating the food to the perfect temperature Getting her to swallow any of […]


Food no longer controls me

6th June 2024

For a couple of decades, I would say food controlled me. I didn’t think about it all the time, but I had a pretty messed up relationship with food and I definitely use it as a crutch to ignore my emotions.   After a period of particularly stressful emotional eating and mismanagement of my health […]

How to cope with all inclusive holidays…….

9th July 2023

…………without gaining a tonne of weight   When you are going on holiday, the excitement and joy can be overtaken by the dread of gaining weight from the dramatic change in lifestyle choices   We just got back from an all inclusive break and i wanted to share my ideas with you to help you […]


I get knocked down but I get up again [becoming resilient]

11th February 2023

‘I get knocked down, but I get up again, you ain’t never gonna keep me down’ Do you remember that song? I had to google who sang it…Chumbawamba, in case you’re interested   This is going to be all about resilience As a young adult (and as a kid) I was extremely sensitive and not […]

scales, compare

‘Have you lost weight, you look amazing’

19th July 2022

The above title is a common greeting that you might hear from friends, family or colleagues if you appear to have reduced your body shape or size (I don’t know when ‘hello’ became unpopular, but here we are) For me, this statement is NOT a compliment (nor a greeting) and as a community that is […]

Summer body

My family have become obsessed with losing weight for summer

30th May 2022

My family have become obsessed with losing weight for summer We are lucky enough to be heading over to Thailand in a few months to visit some family – really looking forward to this trip woooo However it has prompted certain family members to start feeling a bit insecure about their body image which has […]

scales, compare

One to watch

16th November 2020

Picking yourself up after a long time of self-sabotage is really REALLY hard   I’ve been a self-saboteur for years and I seem to attract kindred spirits into my membership who have been through similar struggles to me   -Body images battles -Emotional eating periods -Binge eating coping behaviours -High stress levels -Avoidance behaviours to […]


It seemed like a good idea at the time

19th June 2020

A year ago this week one of my members and I embarked upon a challenge of the like we hadn’t attempted before We entered the Macmillan Mighty Hike which was advertised as a marathon distance hike along the coastline and in the countryside of Dorset It seemed like a good idea at the time….and that’s […]

You CAN do amazing things

9th November 2019

  I’ve been thinking hard about what stops us from achieving what we want to achieve   There are tonnes of things that can get in our way   Time Money Access Energy Confidence Kids Parents Social events Motivation Drive Attitude   The amazing thing about us humans is that we can achieve INCREDIBLE things […]