Summer body

My family have become obsessed with losing weight for summer

30th May 2022

My family have become obsessed with losing weight for summer We are lucky enough to be heading over to Thailand in a few months to visit some family – really looking forward to this trip woooo However it has prompted certain family members to start feeling a bit insecure about their body image which has […]


The reality of personal training – Jeyni’s Story

15th January 2021

How did you feel before you started at Rossell Fitness and what inspired you to want to join us? I was my heaviest when I began with RF. Like most I have been working from home since March 2020 due to Covid-19. Unfortunately, this resulted in me moving less & i noticed my body struggling […]

scales, compare

One to watch

16th November 2020

Picking yourself up after a long time of self-sabotage is really REALLY hard   I’ve been a self-saboteur for years and I seem to attract kindred spirits into my membership who have been through similar struggles to me   -Body images battles -Emotional eating periods -Binge eating coping behaviours -High stress levels -Avoidance behaviours to […]


It seemed like a good idea at the time

19th June 2020

A year ago this week one of my members and I embarked upon a challenge of the like we hadn’t attempted before We entered the Macmillan Mighty Hike which was advertised as a marathon distance hike along the coastline and in the countryside of Dorset It seemed like a good idea at the time….and that’s […]

The non-negotiable habits for better EVERYTHING

5th March 2020

I often get asked for the ONE thing that will make the difference in weight-loss   The thing to understand and ACCEPT is that there is no ONE THING that I can tell you   There are no magic fixes   There are no weight-loss secrets   Fundamentally there are just a set of BORING […]


What to do if you don’t have time to exercise…

29th January 2020

It’s a bit of a fallacy that we have to blast our exercise out in one fell swoop   This might sometimes feel more efficient….   But in reality, it’s not always going to be possible   With all of the balls that you are juggling (family, social life, kids hobbies, work, pets, parents etc)….. […]

You CAN do amazing things

9th November 2019

  I’ve been thinking hard about what stops us from achieving what we want to achieve   There are tonnes of things that can get in our way   Time Money Access Energy Confidence Kids Parents Social events Motivation Drive Attitude   The amazing thing about us humans is that we can achieve INCREDIBLE things […]


Pancake day

13th February 2018

It’s pancake day Wahoo One of my favourite days of the year! I wanted to extend a special offer to you My members and I are having a little competition to see who can make the best pancakes I’ve offered them the prize of a deep tissue massage for the best pancakes We are judging […]

swings, happiness, purpose

How to get REAL buzzed

5th January 2018

I took my nephew indoor sky diving yesterday What a thrill! (I wish I’d booked it for myself too!) I think I have serious Super Auntie points in the bag He got such a buzz from it (Almost the same high as giving him full sugar coke!) It got me thinking We DO have total […]