
The reality of personal training – Jeyni’s Story

15th January 2021

How did you feel before you started at Rossell Fitness and what inspired you to want to join us? I was my heaviest when I began with RF. Like most I have been working from home since March 2020 due to Covid-19. Unfortunately, this resulted in me moving less & i noticed my body struggling […]

scales, compare

One to watch

16th November 2020

Picking yourself up after a long time of self-sabotage is really REALLY hard   I’ve been a self-saboteur for years and I seem to attract kindred spirits into my membership who have been through similar struggles to me   -Body images battles -Emotional eating periods -Binge eating coping behaviours -High stress levels -Avoidance behaviours to […]


Pancake day

13th February 2018

It’s pancake day Wahoo One of my favourite days of the year! I wanted to extend a special offer to you My members and I are having a little competition to see who can make the best pancakes I’ve offered them the prize of a deep tissue massage for the best pancakes We are judging […]



12th November 2017

Remembering We always say ‘remember remember the 5th of November’ But today is also a day to stop, reflect and remember Remember those soldiers who fought for us to have this life that we have! There is not much else to say today If you have some time Whether observing the countrywide silence at 11am […]

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Have you lost your purpose?

26th September 2017

Do you have a purpose? A few years back I was lost I was confused about what I wanted I was always reaching out for more more more But I never really knew what I wanted So, I failed (in my own eyes) Over and over again My sense of self worth was at an […]