I talk about laptops, the new me and brain power
My laptop is slowly dying on me
I’ve written this email three times already
Once on my laptop then it died before I saved it
Once on my tablet, where the screen refreshed and I lost it all again
And one on my phone where I got half way through with the tiny screen and gave up
Giving my laptop one more chance before I launch it at the wall
And head to PC world
A while back
I would have let this ruin my day
But I now have strategies in place to help me overcome my petulance
Deny my rage
And work to see the silver linings
I have worked hard on my mindset
And I can tell its paying off
Because my old go-to reactions are less strong
My newer more positive reactions are winning
For example
If my laptop had died mid writing without saving
The old me, would have been all negative
Why is this happening to me …. La la la
Sound familiar?
The new me understands more
This is probably happening to me because my laptop is really old
And I’ve bashed it around in my day
So really it’s a wonder it hasn’t broken before now
Reflecting on my coffee spill
The old me would have cursed my bad luck
The new me knows that it was my own stupid fault
Taking responsibility for the things that we do is important for moving forwards
If you are unhappy with something in your life
[barring random ill health that cant be helped]
Usually it can be traced through a series of actions
Your beliefs feed your actions
And your thoughts innervate your beliefs
So most of your current reality is down to things that you have thought, believed and subsequently done
For example
I don’t think this doughnut will harm my attempt at getting a 6 pack
I think I can eat this 4person shepherds pie to myself and not gain fat
I think that I can skip out on exercising because those health scares only happen to other people
We can convince ourselves of anything at all
It all starts with a thought
So I understood that by reversing my thought process in certain areas
I could reverse my actions in certain areas
When something goes wrong now
I go out of my way to find a silver lining and make myself laugh
The opposite emotion of sadness or anger
If my laptop breaks, I get to buy a nice new shiny one
And it will be better and quicker
Not a bad silver lining
If I cant work on my laptop inside today
Then I sit out in the garden doing different work
Maybe using a pen and paper – going old school
The power of your mind is your greatest tool
Use it and you just might end up somewhere amazing
Programming your mind to reinforce positive thoughts is absolutely key
You can convince yourself of anything
Mindset is something I will be covering at length in ‘Ditch the Diet’
To find out more come to the free meeting
Thursday 30th April
Trinity Methodist Church
You can book a slot by clicking here
There is light at the end of the tunnel
We’ll find those silver linings
Nicola ‘a whole new person’ Rossell